All bid items are specified, reviewed and recommended for award by a dedicated team of school district food service professionals. As the lead agency, Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 awards the bids to the lowest priced qualified vendors who meet the bid specifications. All compliance documentation can be found on the CPS Contracts and Compliance page.
CPS works in conjunction with the Cafeteria Food Cooperative, or CAFCO, in the facilitation of this bid.
CAFCO is comprised of the Food Service Directors from each participating district. A CAFCO Advisory Council comprised of seven members of the group provides direction and makes decisions with member input. IU13 Collaborative Services provides support to the group and facilitates the annual bid process.
The mission of CAFCO is to cooperatively procure high quality, low priced products and services for nutrition programs, and to enhance learning in member school districts, while adhering to State Procurement Laws.
CAFCO is open to all school districts (current participation stands at 50 districts) and offers the following benefits:
- Valuable networking opportunities
- Semi-annual membership meetings
- Bi-annual food show
- No dues or fees to participate
Listed below is a summary of the annual bids.
Food and Cafeteria Paper:
This bid includes over 1,200 non-perishable line items and cafeteria paper supplies organized in 107 different commodity categories. The bid is awarded to two primary vendors.
Bakery Requirements
This bid includes over 25 bakery (bread and rolls) line items and awarded by region.
Milk and Tea
This bid includes over 11 milk and tea line items and awarded by region.
Ice Cream
This bid includes 14 ice cream items and is awarded by region.
To request additional information on CAFCO or the next bid, please contact: collaborativeservices@iu13.org.